Coding Style

Unless otherwise mentioned, we follow the WordPress PHP Coding Standards and PSRs.

Add this PHPCS ruleset file to your project.

We also have our own standards for things that aren’t covered by the standards mentioned above, such as namespacing and general project structure.

For ease of reference, the most important points of the previous standards are described here as well.


All code must be written in english.

File Layout

PHP files should either declare symbols (classes, functions, etc) or run code (function calls, etc), but not both.

Each class should be in its own file, which should not declare any other functions (outside the class scope) or classes.

Generally, the file should follow the following order:

  • namespace declaration
  • use declarations
  • const declarations
  • require when allowed
  • Declarations or run code

File Naming

Namespaces are mapped to filesystem directories after lowercasing. Part of the namespace may be excluded from the directory structure, ala PSR-4. For example, a class with the namespace logoscon\WP\Plugin\Example could live in the lib/ directory without the logoscon\WP\Plugin part.

Contrary to the WordPress coding standards we do not name our classes like class-<classname>.php.

The main file for plugins should live in <plugin-slug>.php (typically, the folder name) in the plugin’s directory, while the main file for themes is functions.php in the theme directory. This file should be the only one to contain run code. This file should also register necessary autoloaders.

Underneath the top-level directory (either the plugin directory or the theme directory) should be a lib directory which represents the top-level namespace for the plugin/theme.

As an example, for a plugin called “logoscon-foobar” with a namespace of logoscon\WP\Plugin\FooBar, the directory structure should look like this:

  • logoscon-foobar.php
  • lib/ - Contains PHP code for logoscon\WP\Plugin\FooBar namespace
    • Plugin.php - Defines the core plugin class
    • I18n.php - Define the internationalization functionality

Namespace and Class Naming

Namespaces should be logical groupings of related functionality. Typically, this means along feature lines, not along technology lines.

Namespaces and classes should be named with CamelCase. Avoid lowercase and the use of underscores.

Reusable code should be prefixed with logoscon\. Project names starting with “logoscon-“ should be sub-namespaces of logoscon\: if the project is called “logoscon-foobar”, the namespace should be logoscon\FooBar.

Client projects or products should generally use their own namespace (e.g. AwesomeClient\) rather than under the logoscon namespace.

Classes used in a namespaced file should have a use statement at the top of the file to allow a quick overview of what is used, and to avoid long absolute references to the classes throughout the file. If you have a lot of functionality from given namespace, you can use the entire namespace to avoid excessive use statements.

use statements should never start with a \; these are not required, as the namespaces here are already absolute.

// No:
$x = \AwesomeClient\WP\Something::method();

// No:
use \AwesomeClient\WP\Something;
$x = Thing::method();

// Yes:
use AwesomeClient\WP\Something;
$x = Something::method();

// Allowed:
use AwesomeClient\WP;

$x = Something::method();
$y = WP\Other::thing();

Properties and Methods Naming

Properties, Methods and Action/Filter hooks should be named with snake_case. Don’t abbreviate variable and function names unnecessarily, let the code be unambiguous and self-documenting.

Yoda Conditions

Yoda conditions are dumb and solve the wrong problem. You have my permission to not use Yoda conditions.

by Ryan McCue

Single and Double Quotes

Usage of quotation marks (double quotes) ir restricted to HTML attributes or when evaluating anything inside the string. Otherwise you should always use single quotes.

// No:
echo "<a href='/static/link' title='Yeah yeah!'>Link name</a>";

// Yes:
echo '<a href="/static/link" title="Yeah yeah!">Link name</a>';

// No:
$option_block = \get_option( 'options_block' . $this->language );

// Yes:
$option_block = \get_option( "options_block{$this->language}" );


Your indentation should always reflect logical structure. Use real tabs and not spaces.

Exception: if you have a block of code that would be more readable if things are aligned, use spaces:

$foo   = 'somevalue';
$foo2  = 'somevalue2';
$foo34 = 'somevalue3';
$foo5  = 'somevalue4';

Note the comma after the last array item: this is recommended because it makes it easier to change the order of the array, and makes for cleaner diffs when new items are added.

Rule of thumb: Tabs should be used at the beginning of the line for indentation, while spaces can be used mid-line for alignment.

Brace Style

Braces shall be used for all blocks in the style shown here:

if ( condition ) {
} elseif ( condition2 && condition3 ) {
} else {

Space Usage

Always put spaces after commas, and on both sides of logical, comparison, string and assignment operators.

$x == 23
foo && bar
! foo
array( 1, 2, 3 )
$baz . '-5'
$term .= 'X'

Put spaces on both sides of the opening and closing parenthesis of if, elseif, foreach, for, and switch blocks:

foreach ( $foo as $bar ) { ...

When defining a function, do it like so:

function my_function( $param1 = 'foo', $param2 = 'bar' ) { ...

When calling a function, do it like so:

my_function( $param1, func_param( $param2 ) );

When performing logical comparisons, do it like so:

if ( ! $foo ) { ...

When type casting, do it like so:

foreach ( (array) $foo as $bar ) { ...

$foo = (boolean) $bar;

When referring to array items, only include a space around the index if it is a variable, for example:

$x = $foo['bar']; // correct
$x = $foo[ 'bar' ]; // incorrect

$x = $foo[0]; // correct
$x = $foo[ 0 ]; // incorrect

$x = $foo[ $bar ]; // correct
$x = $foo[$bar]; // incorrect

In a switch block, there must be no space before the colon for a case statement:

switch ( $foo ) {
    case 'bar': // correct
    case 'ba' : // incorrect

Similarly, there should be no space before the colon on return type declarations:

function sum( $a, $b ): float {
    return $a + $b;

Array Creation

When creating a new array, prefer the old-style syntax array() over the short-array syntax [].

// No:
get_posts( [
    'author_in' => [ 1, 2, 3 ],
    'meta_query' => [
        'relation' => 'AND',
            'key' => '_my_meta',
            'value' => '1'
] );

// Yes:
get_posts( array(
    'author_in' => array( 1, 2, 3 ),
    'meta_query' => array(
        'relation' => 'AND',
            'key' => '_my_meta',
            'value' => '1'
) );

Associative Arrays

For associative arrays, each item should start on a new line when the array contains more than one item and each line should end with ,

$query = new WP_Query( array( 
    'post_type'   => 'page',
    'post_author' => 123,
    'post_status' => 'publish',
) );

Visibility (Public/Protected/Private)

Class methods and properties should always be marked with a visibility keyword, one of public, protected or private.

A class that is not intended to be inherited should be made final. You might want to relax some access rules (private to protected, final to non-final) for the sake of unit-testing, but then document it, and make it clear that although the method is protected, it's not supposed to be overridden.

Formatting SQL statements

When formatting SQL statements you may break it into several lines and indent if it is sufficiently complex. Always capitalize the SQL parts of the statement like UPDATE or WHERE.

Clever Code

In general, readability is more important than cleverness or brevity.

// No:
isset( $var ) || $var = some_function();

// Yes:
if ( ! isset( $var ) ) {
    $var = some_function();


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